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Summer has not quite left us as I write this week’s newsletter. The vagaries of the weather make it difficult to predict what each coming day will bring. We give thanks that we have been spared the extremes that our eastern towns have been experiencing and we pray that they will navigate the difficult and trying times to come. We also pray for a swift and peaceful end to the Ukrainian conflict and that they also navigate the extremely challenging situations they are facing. Here in Cootamundra we can not imagine the horrors that they face but we can definitely unite in prayer for peace.
With the extreme weather facing the coast this weekend Catholic Education has made the decision to cancel the Canberra-Goulburn Arch-Diocesan Secondary Swimming scheduled for the Monday. This is in response to the possible dangerous roads from the South Coast to Canberra for our coastal swimmers. Thank you for your patience as it is being rescheduled. However the Primary Swimming will go ahead on the Tuesday in the hope conditions will be improved. We will endeavour to keep you informed of changes as they come through.
This week saw the relaxing of restrictions around mask wearing for the secondary cohorts and staff. We have also enjoyed a week of freedom with all secondary students able to mix across the playground s. It has also meant a welcome return to normal operation of the canteen and the return of canteen helpers. The ladies in the canteen have been kept very busy managing the canteen and the enormous number of orders that have been the trend over the first weeks of the term. We are very appreciative and grateful for the dedicated efforts of Ms Amanda Sutherland and Ms Kylie Dawe over the past weeks. They have both gone over and above their expected duties to ensure that our students are fed and watered. If you would like to volunteer some time to assist in the canteen on a regular basis or only every now and then - they would love to hear from you. Grandparents are most welcome as well.
A reminder that there are still expectations that students and staff take a COVID test if they display any symptoms and that parents can only transport their own child/ren to sporting or extra-curricular events. We will be sending home next week another kit of Rapid Antigen Tests for each student. Again there is no expectation that you will test on a regular basis but as need arises. There are still cases in Cootamundra but we are nearly COVID free at the moment with only 3 cases reported earlier this week (Year 10, Year 8, Stage 3). We are continuing to monitor attendance, especially in this COVID climate so that our students are given every opportunity to learn by being in the classroom. It is a legal requirement that every absence is authorised by parents/guardians and Children will learn at their optimum best when they are in the classroom and able to learn from the teacher and their peers.
Our Year 10 students reverently celebrated the “Burning Branches” liturgy in preparation for the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday. Then all our students were involved in our annual Rice Day as we experienced what it is like to survive on one bowl of rice for the day. (most of our students would have enjoyed breakfast and dinner that night though!). Thank you to Mrs Maxwell for her organisation. We now enter the season of Lent where we prepare for the death and resurrection of Christ. This is the most important period in the Christian faith and we ask our families, staff and students to think about the wonderful opportunities and graces we have received. We look forward to the Pasion Play 22 where our Year 9 students reverently perform a prayer commemorating the Passion of Christ.
A reminder that uniform expectations have not changed and we are trying to maintain an equitable and fair approach. The uniform expectations are laid out in the uniform policy in regards to haircuts, jewellery, nail polish, socks, hats, facial hair and all other aspects of our policy. Students who struggle to follow school rules around uniform have already been warned about possible repercussions for continuing to ignore the uniform policy. We are very proud of our uniform and the way our students present themselves to the community. Please support us with this standard.
Every week I extol the virtues of being kind. Sometimes kindness can take many forms and it doesn’t have to be a chore. Being nice to someone and thinking about the tone in your voice, or the look that you cast, or the gossip that you spread can be interpreted as being unkind. Kindness is treating others as you would like to be treated and is that is the standard by which we should hold ourselves to account.
Kind regards,
Ms Nicky Trinder
Yr 1 Reflection Day
On Wednesday of Week 7 Yr. 1 will gather together to enjoy their Reflection Day. The theme of the day was ”Caring for God’s Creation.” The focus of the day will be to look at all the wonderous things that are part of creation and how we can care for them.
Parish Sacramental Program
Session 3: 10th March
Session 4: 17th March
Session 5: 24th March
Session 6: Twilight Retreat: 31st March – 3.30pm – 7:00pm (including shared supper)
Sacrament of First Eucharist Celebration: Sunday 3rd April 11:00am
Lent: Project Compassion
Anatercia's story Mozambique
Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in southern Mozambique, was struggling to cope with adult responsibilities after her father passed away.
With your support, she participated in training and gained access to psychosocial supports. Now, her quality of life has improved and she can focus on doing well at school.
Ash Wednesday: Rice Day
Thank you to all the families that supported Rice Day and Mercy Works. As a school community we raised $496.00.
ES1C | ES1MU |
Bentley Rogers | Iris Saena |
S1AL | S1B |
Marshall Sides | Ella Sannazzaro |
Lincoln Childs | |
S1GH | S2L |
Ashley Hall | Logan Howie-Hutchinson |
Sebastian Crane | Danielle Sargent |
S2W | S3M |
Sonny Kane | Jett Johnson |
Koby Bryant | Ella Gammon |
Sophie Knewstub | Eamon Sutherland |
S3W | |
Liam Drum | |
Halle Johnson |
Primary Sport
C&G Sporting Representatives
This program is an opportunity for our Stage 3 students to trial and represent their sport at a higher level. It is up to parents to register for these events. If you have missed the closing date, please let me know and I will contact the organisers.
Primary Triathlon
Our primary Triathlon was a great success. Congratulations to all those who gave their best. We had so much fun thanks to those parents who were able to come and assist and cheer on all the competitions. We look forward to next year's bigger and better.
CG primary swimming
Goodluck to our primary swimmers who will be travelling to Queenbeayn on the 8th of March.
An expression of interest has gone out for Rugby 10s gala day. This will take place on Thursday 31st of March (week9). Boys and girls are able to play.
Primary Sport Dates