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As Week 3 draws to a close we look forward to the combined Parish and School Vigil Mass and BBQ this Saturday 22 February at 6pm. This is where we present our new School Leaders and 2025 Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist candidates to the Parish. The members of the Parish look forward to meeting with our students as they look to the school as the future of the Sacred Heart Parish. We hope that many students and their families will join us for the Mass and a BBQ tea to follow.
This week was also busy with the Information Sessions for Year 7 and New students, Infants and Primary students. The staff prepared thorough summaries of what to expect this year and all that happens in the daily life at Sacred Heart. If you missed any information, please make contact with the respective coordinators to have any material sent through to you.
Next week is equally as busy with the Infants Literacy Session on Tuesday night, the Soccer Gala Day on Wednesday, Touch Trials on Monday, WR Swimming on Monday, Catholic Education visitors and many more activities for staff and students. If you could please RSVP via SeeSaw if you plan to attend the Infants Literacy Session for catering purposes. Despite the busy schedules there is a lot of positive learning happening in every classroom. Our new students and staff have settled in and we have had a very positive start to the year. Over the coming weeks staff will be making contact with new families to check in with the transition to a new school and we would like to know if there are any ways we can support new students.
The Annual All Schools Coota Beach Volleyball was an outstanding success. The weather was kind to us and the rain only really began to fall as we put the garbage bins out for collection. It was a definite answer to prayer that the torrential rain that was predicted for the day held off until all games were over and the students had moved on. Thank you to our fabulous staff for all their efforts and our dedicated P & F for their tireless efforts in catering for over 600 students and staff. The next venture by the P & F will be the Colour Run on 14 March. Keep an eye out for the invitation and we hope to see you for the traditionally fun time being doused in colour.
This year we have changed the names of the Primary Classes and it has possibly created some confusion about the corresponding teachers on each class.
ES1Biladurang – Mrs Anita Chesworth (Mon, Tue, Wed) and Mrs Stacey Fry (Thur, Fri)
ES1Ngarrang – Mr Jack Niddrie (Mon - Fri)
S1BudyaBudya – Mrs Heather Hunt
S1Gilaa – Mrs Susie Alexander (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur) and Mrs Skye Gay (Fri)
S1Milbay – Miss Molly Baron (Mon, Tue, Wed) and Mrs Sharron Large (Thur, Fri)
S1Wandiyali – Miss Wendy Van Kerk Oerle
S2Barrandhang – Mrs Heather Gammon (Mon, Tue, Wed) and Mr Brad Winsor (Thur, Fri)
S2Gindaany – Miss Grace Sutherland (Mon-Fri)
S3Maliyan – Mrs Patrece Maxwell (Mon) and Mrs Julia McLeod (Tues-Fri)
S3Dyirridyirri – Ms Kylie Winsor (Nom, Tue, Wed, Fri) and Mrs Lyne Witenden (Thur)
S3Garru – Mrs Kaitlin Niddrie (Mon, Tue, Wed) and Mr Ian Bell (Thur, Fri)
At different times throughout the week Release from Face-to-face teacher – Mrs Kate Maher, Mr Ian Bell, Mrs Emma Randall and Mr Brad Winsor will take different classes to allow the class room teachers to complete preparation, standardized testing and administration tasks.
Don’t forget the NAPLAN testing period will begin on 12 March and will conclude on 24 March. We will send a schedule to the relevant students (Years 3,5,7 and 9) regarding the dates and times for their tests to help avoid any clashes with appointments and other commitments. Please try to avoid making any external appointments during this time.
Quickly following the completion of NAPLAN will be the Annual School Photos. These will be held on 26 March and will obviously be in full school summer uniform. Once again please note this important date to avoid missing out on the opportunity for school photos with the 2025 cohort. Order envelopes will be sent home. If your student does not bring them home or there are two households requiring an order envelope please let the Front Office know.
Everyday we hope our students come to school feeling safe and included. The need to be kind to all in our community is an important action that is not just meant to be hollow meaningless words and phrases. Being kind means that we accept everyone for who they are and we don’t make judgements about how someone looks, what they have or who they are. Kindness doesn’t cost anything but it could mean the world to someone else.
God Bless,
Ms Nicky Trinder
Presentation Mass: Saturday 22nd February 6:00pm
Session 4: 27th February
Session 5: 6th March
Session 6: 13th March
Twilight Retreat and First Reconciliation: 20th March 3.30pm–7.00pm (shared supper)
Sacrament of First Eucharist Celebration: Saturday 22 March 6 pm Mass
Presentation of Student Leadership Mass and BBQ
This Saturday night our Student Leadership Teams will be presented to the parish at our weekend Mass. Our leaders will receive their new badges and lead the ministries of the Mass. Mass will be followed by the Parish BBQ. All families are welcomed to Mass and the BBQ.
Upcoming Faith Formation Events
First Eucharist and Reconciliation Sacramental Program Weeks 1-7
Burning Branches Liturgy 4th March 2:40pm
Ash Wednesday Mass 5th March 10am (Rice Day-Lunch Time)
Year 6 Reflection Day 12th March
Year 1 Reflection Day 13th March
First Eucharist and Reconciliation Sacramental Twilight Retreat 20th March
First Eucharist Sacramental Mass 22nd March
Passion of Our Lord Yr 9 Enactment (School) Thursday 10th April 10am
Passion of Our Lord Yr 9 Enactment (Parish) Friday 18th April 10am
Infants/Primary Awards | |
ES1B | ES1N |
Lomah Harris | Elsie Beal |
Leo Booth | Renley Palmer |
S1B | S1G |
Charlie White | Lucas Speering |
Henry Armstrong | Hunter Purtell |
S1M | S1W |
Grace Kingston-Jones | Matilda Hardie |
Edward Izzard | Francesca Hay |
S2B | S2G |
Max Welch | William O'Loughlin |
Iris Saena | Hallie McPhail |
S3D | S3G |
Benjamin Wincohen | Olivia Godber |
Chase Evans | Grace Wang |
S3M | Secondary House Points Winner |
Lacey Close | Rose Lang |
Zoe Lake |
Collection Notice for parents/gurdians 2025
Student residential address and other information
Please see attached for further information.
Hi everyone,
Welcome back to a new school year. It has been a hectic start with regard to sports and events. We will continue to send all notes and events through Compass and messages on the Compass News Feed and for secondary students, the Sport@SHC Google Classroom.
Representative and Pathways Sport
Representative and pathway sports information can be found in several locations.
- CSNSW Sport website - for most pathway nominations beyond school level.
- Canberra Goulburn Sport website, nomination page and calendar page
- CSNSW - Facebook page
- Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sport - Facebook page
The pathway for a Primary student in NSW to attend Australian National Championships is as follows:
- Attends School carnival to gain selection to the school representative team.
- Attends Regional carnival to gain selection to the Regional team.
- Attends Archdiocesan carnival or Selection Trial to gain selection to the Archdiocesan team.
- Attends MacKillop carnival to gain selection to the MacKillop team.
- Attends NSW PSSA State Championships to gain selection to NSW State team.
- Attends the School Sport Australia Championship
The NSW State championship comprises 10 DoE Districts, the MacKillop team, the Polding team and the Independent Schools Team (CIS).
The pathway for a Secondary student in NSW to attend Australian National Championships is as follows:
- Attends school carnival to gain selection into the school representative team.
- Attends Archdiocesan Carnival or selection trial to gain selection into Archdiocesan team or through individual entry/nomination on the
- Attends Combined Catholic Colleges Carnival /Trial to gain CCC selection.
- Attends NSW All Schools Carnival to gain NSW selection.
- Attends the School Sport Australia Championship
Swimming Carnival Results
The first event of the year was our School Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to all those who participated. It was a very successful day, with many PBs, records and fun.
Most importantly thank you to all the parents and families who came and assisted on the day with timekeeping. As well as those who came and cheered on all the competitors.
Champion House
First - Mercy 1552
Second - De La Salle 1056
Third - O’Shaughnessy 857
Spirit Cup
Greatest Attendance - De La Salle
Swim Through - De La Salle
Spirit Cup Overall
First - De La Salle 516
Second - O’Shaughnessy 485
Third - Mercy 457
Age Champions
Document Link -
Broken Records
Congratulations to the following students for their record-breaking swims. What an amazing record haul!
Full Results and Records -
Halle Johnson
- 100m Freestyle Senior Girls - Old record 1:06.57 2024 - New Record 1:05.82
- 100m Backstroke Senior Girls - Old record 1:19.85 2005 - New Record 1:15.59
- 50m 15yr Girls Freestyle - Old record 31.35 1998 - New Record 29.52
- 50m Backstroke Senior Girls - Old record 37.65 2024 - New Record 33.69
- 50m Butterfly Senior Girls - Old record 32.99 2023 - New Record 31.85
Zoe Lake
- 200m Freestyle Junior Girls - Old record 3:04.59 2024 - New Record 2:47.36
Fletcher Gammon
- 50m freestyle 8yr Boys - Old record 44.32 2013 - New Record 43.80
De La Salle - Juliet Daley, Zoe Lake, Olivia Cassidy, Amelia Savannah
Junior Girls Relay team - Old record 2:54.15 2021 - New Record 2:45.26
Mercy - Maeve Last, Emmeline Last, Ella Sannazzaro, Lexi Day
Sub-Junior Girls Relay team - Old record 3:20.10 1999 - New Record 3:19.10
Primary Sport
Please note that Primary students (Years 3-6), will have sports Thursdays. Our term one calendar is very jam packed, please keep an eye on Compass and the school calendar for any sporting events.
COMPASS events
Please monitor your COMPASS app for different events. It is important that you give your child permission and payment (if required), before the due date and if your child is not attending please mark as declined. This assists with the organisation of staff, transport, etc. Your child may miss out on an event if they do not have permission to attend.
Our primary triathlon will be held in week 5. A note has gone out on Compass detailing further information. This term we will not be swimming any weeks other than our carnivals and triathlon. The day is all about participation, please encourage students to participate to the best of their abilities.
Last Friday our stage three students participated in the Beach Volleyball competition. They played a modified game called newcombe ball. Students had a great day and showed sportsmanship. A big Thankyou to the staff who assisted in the day, students wouldn’t have been able to participate without you. Please ensure your child has permission to attend through COMPASS.
Soccer Gala Day
This year we have been invited to participate in a Soccer Gala day that will be held in Cootamundra. This is alternated with the Young carnival. This is on Wednesday the 26th February. An invite to participate in the gala day has been sent out through COMPASS, and teams are being finalised. Students need to have shin pads to play. It is a day to encourage students to have a go and have fun. If you are able to assist in the day please complete the questions on COMPASS.
WR swimming carnival will be held Monday 24th February in Tumut. We wish all our team the very best luck as they compete here against other WR schools. Please See Compass for more information.
Our team includes:
C&G Sporting Representatives
This program is an opportunity for our stage 3 students to trial and represent their sport at a higher level. It is up to parents to register for these events. If you have missed the closing date, please let us know and we will contact the organisers. Please go to to register for any of these events. Please feel free to join the Canberra Goulburn Facebook page and access their calendar by this link.
Our SHC Athletics carnival is again set for early term 2, therefore we will start trialling and learning how to perform some of these events from week 6 this term. These will -include, High Jump, Discus, long distance running, Long Jump and Shot Put. The top students for High Jump and Discus will compete on the day. Students will be given the opportunity to practise and improve on these throughout the weeks.
If you have any photos from any event please email them through and we will put them in the newsletter next week.
If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact me via email
Kind regards
Wendy Van Kerk Oerle
Primary sports coordinator
Secondary Sport
Schools’ Coota Beach Volleyball Carnival
The Schools Beach Volleyball was on last Friday. 60 teams from all around the district participated in the event.
Click HERE to view the website from this year. See the bottom of the results page for the winners.
Thank you to everyone who played a part in setting up, running and packing up the event. It is an enormous task to put together this event and cannot happen without the generosity of many.

Representative Sports
There are many representative sports coming up this term. All notifications and processes for registration can be found on the Secondary Sports Google Classroom page.
Good luck to:
U15s CG Touch Trials - Jett Johnson, Beau Northey, Zane Lange, Sophie Sannazzzaro, Sophie Boxsell
Thank You to:
Secondary students volunteering to referee and manage teams for the Primary Soccer Gala Day on Wednesday 26th February.
Secondary Sports Dates
Term 1 2025
Mon Feb 24th - CECG U15s Touch Trials, Canberra
Wed Feb 26th - Helpers for Primary Soccer Gala Day
Tue Mar 4th - CECG Swimming, Canberra
Fri Mar 7th - CECG U18s Boys and Girls Soccer Trials, Canberra
Fri Mar 7th - SHC Secondary Triathlon
Tue 11th Mar - Western U16s Girls Rugby League Trials, Canberra
Tue 25th Mar - CECG Netball Champs and U15s Trials, Canberra
Wed Mar 26th - Western Rugby League U15s and U18s Boys Trials, Redbend Forbes
Tue Apr 1st - CECG and Wagga Wagga U18s Touch Trials, Wagga Wagga
Wed-Thu Apr 2nd-3rd - NSWCCC Swimming, Homebush
Fri Apr 4th - CECG Tennis Team Championships, Goulburn
Fri Apr 4th - SHC Cross Country
Wed Apr 9th - Southern Country Opens Boys and Girls Soccer Trials, Bathurst
Thu Apr 10th - Southern Country U18s Girls Rugby League Trials, Canberra
Kind regards,
Megan Withers
Secondary Sports Coordinator