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Only twice in my life have I ever felt the urge to send fan mail. I was never really taken in by the various ‘idols’ that clamoured for attention when I was much younger. I never plastered my wall with popstars or heroes, nor saw the need to adopt someone else’s ideals. That was until 2010 whilst on a school excursion I was privileged to spend some quality time with Eddie Jaku at the Jewish Museum in Sydney. I had never encountered anyone who had experienced so much hardship and tragedy who still felt he was the happiest man in the world. As a survivor of the concentration camp at Auschwitz he had seen the very worst of humanity but would inspire our students to never hate and to have respect, tolerance and friendship as their mantra. To watch him hold the face of one of our Year 9 students and tell her that life was good and she could achieve anything was living proof that you can overcome anything that life challenges you with. Last Thursday I felt the same urge to acknowledge the inspiring message of another man who had seen some of the worst aspects of people. John Coutis could smile, joke, heckle and encourage our staff, students and community members to rise up to the challenges that life lays down to them. If John Coutis saw the good in people and recognised that he could help others despite his physical limitations, then we have no excuses but lots of reasons why we need to make a difference in the world. His entertaining presentation touched a cord with all who heard him speak about how he has an amazing life and opportunities to help others stand up through adversity. It was a privilege and an honour to hear him speak. Thank you to our P & F for providing some of the necessary finds to bring a speaker of his calibre to our school and to Mrs Murphy for all her organisation and preparation of the event. Hopefully John and Leanne (his wife) will visit us again.
This Saturday 2 March our Infants students will be responsible for the ministries at the vigil mass at 6pm. This is always a lovely celebration of the Eucharist with our youngest students and their families. I would be wonderful see as many of the school community there to join in the Mass.
Our hardworking P & F have organised the proceeds from the monthly Ex-Services Club Bingo to go towards our school. The more families and people we get to turn up the more funds for our school. It is an excellent night of entertainment for the family. Bookings are taken at the Club so that you don’t miss out on a table. We would love to see you there.
Uniform Free – DON’T FORGET!!!
Tomorrow 27 February we will be holding our first Uniform free Day and Community breakfast. All funds will be directed to the McGrath Foundation. A splash of pink and a gold coin donation will mark the fundraising day. Please join us from 8.30am for muffins and fresh fruit.
God bless
Mrs Nicky Trinder
Parish Weekend Mass:
Infants Weekend Mass 2nd March. All families and students are welcome to attend.
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
We prayer for our Yr 4 students who continue their preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist this Thursday night. We thank and prayer for parishioners and school staff who are leading and assisting with this very important faith journey of our students.
Ash Wednesday- Mercy Works Rice Day
Ash Wednesday Mass: 10:00am Wednesday 6th March (Week 6)
Ash Wednesday at Lunch Time we will be holding our annual Rice Day lunch. This lunch serves a twofold purpose. Ash Wednesday is traditionally a day of penance where we do an act of self-denial and offer this up to God. We are asking our students to forgo their usual lunch and buy a bowl of rice. The money from this day is given to the Mercy Works Foundation who support the needs of children in some of the poorest parts of our world. The lunch also provides the students with a sense of walking in the shoes of a child from a developing country who only gets one bowl of rice to eat for a day. This exercise in empathy also allows our students to recognise how blessed we are to have what we do – plenty of food, an education, freedom and safety. In 2017 Sr Frances Fitzpatrick and Sr Angela Jordan came and spoke to the students about what Mercy Works does around the world. They spoke about how through “Ordinary Means, Extraordinary Results” can happen. That even our small donations can make a difference.
Please support our Rice Day – a bowl of rice for $2. The canteen will be closed at lunchtime and no lunch orders will be available. Drinks however, will be available. If your child is unable to eat rice, please notify his/her teacher in writing. If your child has particular nutritional needs, please follow their usual program. For our younger students – parents can use their discretion for their food intake.
John Coutis
We had a wonderful morning on Thursday with our special guest, John ‘JC’ Coutis. John delighted an audience of about 70 parents and staff during his breakfast presentation. John shared his life story with us – having us in tears and then in fits of laughter. He was engaging and funny all while inspiring and challenging us to live life to the full.
Our students from Yr 3- 10 were also treated to John’s warmth and humour during the 2 sessions he conducted. John was able to engage with the students whilst sharing his story and they were horrified to hear of how badly John was bullied as a young student. John taught us that we are all capable of doing anything we set our minds too despite whatever challenges we face. John is living proof of this! John is a huge believer in the importance of setting goals and it is fabulous to see the students writing down their goals in class.
After the presentations the students queued to have selfies with John or meet him in person. We also welcomed Prime 7 news and Cootamundra Herald journalists to showcase our event.
Special thanks to Chris Edwards School of Dance and the Sacred Heart P&F for generous donations towards this event.
Mrs Murphy
Wellbeing Manager
Urgent Return of Student Agreement forms
The following forms need to be returned to the Front Office by tomorrow. If forms are not returned students will be unable to have access to Information and Communication Technologies at Sacred Heart and will not be able to use their iPads or be able to log into our School Internet.
Student Agreement for Use of iPads at Sacred Heart Central School 2019.
Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Catholic Education Office Student Acceptable Use of Agreement.
Kara de Belin | Atiyana Childs-Gould |
Oliver Webb | Zara Lawson |
1GH | 1G |
Alexander Byrne | Eamon Sutherland |
Tanen Singleton | |
Daysie Leahy | |
2N | 2W |
Malakhi Wilson | Tanner Sheather |
Gillian Hunt | Tia Lawson |
3M | 3N |
Jade Longe | Amarli Kelleher |
Ashlee Peacey | Grady Sheather |
3W | |
Alexander English | |
Nellie Ward | |
Shirley Bear | Secondary House Point Winner |
Aaliyah Close | Ellah O'Callaghan |
Students in Years 3-6 are swimming this Thursday for Sport. Please ensure that your child comes to school with their swimming gear (including a rash top), a hat and $2.50 entry money.
Primary Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival
All the best to the following students who will be competing in Narooma next Monday at the Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival.
Lucy Smirl, Evie Leahy, Sarah Lake, Ellie Lake, Joshua Harris, Jake Harris, Archer Blackman, Caleb Jones, Declan Brown, Jake Winsor
Archdiocesan Touch Trials
Primary and Secondary Archdiocesan Touch Trials will be held on Friday 8th March in Cootamundra at Nicholson Park, 10 am- 2 pm. All students wishing to trial for these team must use the online nomination process (See below).
REMINDER: Archdiocesan Representative Pathways
Starting from this year all nominations for sporting representative pathways, except for Swimming, Cross country and Athletics will be carried out online through the CE, MacKillop (Primary) and CCC (Secondary) sports websites. If you and your child are interested in trialling for any of sports, please take the time to visit these sites for further information on dates, location and nominations. Please see below regarding the two steps that need to be taken to complete a nomination (Archdiocesan Sports) (Primary) (Secondary)
Secondary Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival
We wish the below students all the best as they travel to Goulburn tomorrow (Tuesday 27/2/19) to compete in the Secondary Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival. Thank you to Mrs Gale for accompanying the team and thank you to the parents for assisting with transport and timekeeping.
Madeleine Brown, Macey Leahy, Abbey gammon, Meghan Roberts and Toby Lawson
Primary Dates:
Primary Triathlon, 7/3/19
Archdiocesan Touch Trials, Cootamundra 8/3/19
Archdiocesan Netball Trials, Lyneham 12/3/19
Archdiocesan Rugby League (11’s and Opens), Lyneham Trials 12/3/19
Archdiocesan Soccer Trials, Lyneham 12/3/19
McTaggart Rugby Cup, Wagga 3/4/19
Young Soccer Carnival, Young 5/4/19
Secondary Dates:
Secondary Archdiocesan swimming Goulburn 26/2/19
Archdiocesan Touch Trials Cootamundra 8/3/19
Secondary Rugby League 15’s and Opens Trials Forbes 2/4/19
CCC Touch Championships Nelsons Bay 9/4/19
How to pay for Archdiocesan Representative Sport Pathways
There are two separate steps that must be completed in order for your child to participate in the pathways.
- Complete the Google Form nomination using the link
- Download the TeamApp app from your phone’s app store and select the following:
- select the following: