School Fees

The school fee in 2024 will include the tuition fee and all school-based levies (except for excursions). We have also reviewed and updated the arrangements for family discounts.

Your school fees are used to support the delivery of high-quality education and maintain and improve facilities, including the funding of all staff and the maintenance and improvement of facilities at the school.

We are very mindful of the impact that any fee increase can have on families. We have carefully considered these impacts in setting 2024 school fees and have attempted to keep the increases to a minimum. If you have any concern that fees in 2024 may cause hardship for you and your family I encourage you to contact the Principal for a confidential discussion on the assistance available to support your child

School fees for 2024 are shown in the table below. 

1 Child in Infants        Years K-2  Per Year Per Term
Tuition Fee (F) $1,500.00 $375.00
School Resource Levy (F) $1,457.00 $364.25
Student Resource Levy Primary (S) $414.00 $100.50
Building Fund (Voluntary) per family only $220.00 $55.00
Total: $3,591.00 $894.75

1 Child in Primary        Years 3-6  Per Year Per Term
Tuition Fee (F) $1,500.00 $375.00
School Resource Levy (F) $1,457.00 $364.25
Student Resource Levy Primary (S) $414.00 $100.50
Building Fund (Voluntary) per family only $220.00 $55.00
Total:   $3,591.00 $894.75

1 Child in Secondary     Years 7-8 Per Year Per Term
Tuition Fee (S) $2,244.00 $561.00
School Resource Levy (F) $1,457.00 $364.25
Student Resource Levy Secondary (S) $412.00 $103.00
Building Fund (Voluntary) per family only $220.00 $55.00
Total  $4,333.00 $1,083.25
Year 7 or 8 Elective rotation - add to above fees as necessary.
Per year Per term
Year 7 elective rotations $100.00 $25.00
Year 8 elective rotations $120.00 $30.00

1 Child in Secondary    Years 9-10 Per Year Per Term
Tuition Fee (S) $2,316.00 $579.00
School Resource Levy (F) $1,457.00 $364.25
Student Resource Levy Secondary (S) $412.00 $103.00
Building Fund (Voluntary) per family only $220.00 $55.00
Total          $4,405.00 $1,101.25
9/10 Elective subject levies - if student selects the elective, 
add to above fees as necessary. Per year Per term
Year 9/10 Industrial Technology Woodwork $200.00 $50.00
Year 9/10 Industrial Technology Metal $200.00 $50.00
Year 9/10 Food Technology $200.00 $50.00
Year 9/10 PASS -  Term Fee pays for bus usage $60.00 $15.00
plus pay per use of facilities     
Year 9/10 Ag $200.00 $50.00
Year 9/10 Visual Arts $120.00 $30.00